If your order gets lost or the product you received is damaged, it will be compensated or replaced based on the details provided. With issues concerning damaged goods please contact me as soon as possible.

The prints are handcrafted by order and thus will not be refunded after purchase. All the products sold through this website are only returnable in case of force majeure. Any situations concerning refunding ordered or shipped products are handled on case-by-case basis.


We may email you about your order or account activity. These messages may occur when

  • You have created a Customer Account

  • Your Customer Account password has been reset or updated

  • You’ve made a purchase

  • Your order has shipped.

It’s not possible to unsubscribe from messages regarding the purchase or account activity.

We only share information about you to a third party when it is necessary in order to complete the manufacturing and delivery of your purchase. Examples of such third parties are Squarespace (the platform providing the online store technology) and Dialab (the print studio handling the printing and shipping of ordered goods).

When you order something on this website, we collect personal information from you to proceed the order. By personal information we mean

  • Billing and shipping address

  • Details regarding your purchase (such as the print size)

  • Email address

  • Name

  • Phone number.

At checkout, the website may auto-complete your shipping and billing address by sharing what you have typed in the Google Places API and returning suggestions to you to improve your checkout experience.


We respect your privacy – Your information is only used to manage your order and communicate with you in matters related to your order.